TOMBO No.2200 series is a packing made from expanded
graphite (Graseal) cut into strips and shaped into rings in a
mold. The packing is treated to give it anti-corrosion features,
and is an excellent packing for high temperature / high
pressure applications.
We carry TOMBO No.2200-P and TOMBO No.2200-L
models of this packing, each having different types of
impregnated lubricant.
The TOMBO No.2205 series is a TOMBO No.2200 packing
with the addition of a stainless steel mesh incorporated into
its center so that the packing can be removed easily. Like the
TOMBO No.2200 series, we carry TOMBO No.2205-P and
TOMBO No.2205-L models.
45 degree bias cut is standard but non-cutting or 2 cutting are
also available on request.
1. 100% asbestos-free.
2. Superior sealing performance compared to asbestos products.
3. Little differences in performance from cyrogenic to high
4. Expanded graphite (Graseal) has chemical resistance
properties second only to PTFE, and can be used with almost
any fluid (with the exception of those listed below).
5. Less shrinkage at high temperatures than asbestos packings,
with little stress relaxation.
Temperature -240~400℃ (oxidizing atmosphere, in air)
Max. Pressure -240~1650℃ (non-oxidizing atmosphere)
Pressure Class 4500
Thermal power plants, petroleum refineries, shipbuilding, chemical
plants, cryogenic services, high temperature gas plants, etc.
Cast steel valves, forged steel valves, stainless steel valves, etc
Water type fluids (water, hot water, steam, etc.), oil type fluids
(oil, heat transfer oil, etc.), organic solvents, hydrocarbons,
gaseous fluids (hydrogen, ammonia, etc.), chemical products,
corrosive fluids (other than oxidizing fluids), and cryogenic
fluids (LN2, liquid air, LNG, LPG, etc.)
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